Monday, April 5, 2010

Landon Reid-18 Months!!

It's so hard to believe that Landon just had his 18 month appointment(well, it was a little late b/c we switched doctors....he is now 19 1/2 months!!!). Landon weighed in at 27lbs 7ounces(60%) and his height is 35"(95%). The doctor said she was a little worried about his head being so large(97%), but I told her that it's been this way since Landon was a baby and our previous pediatrician didn't seem concerned. Well, our new pediatrician measured my head and suprisingly it's 2cm more than the average female and she had me measure Jason's head and his is 1cm larger than the average male!!! Too funny....maybe that's why he has a big head. Our doc wants us to come in again in a month and get Landon's head measured, just to make sure it's growing normally. She thinks it's probably not a problem since Jason and I both have big heads...Landon is just taking after us!!! HAHAHA!! No wonder I can never get a shirt over his head and he wears a 3T hat!!!

Where has the time gone. It's seems like yesterday that Landon was a little baby and now he is a little boy. He is growing up way too fast much to my dislike. =)
This is what Landon is doing now....

We finally got rid of Landon's bottle. I had just been giving it to him at night b/c I loved my cuddle time, but he was not interested in the cuddle time anymore and would just carry his bottle around and drink it before bedtime so we new that it was time to take it away. Now he just gets a sippy of milk in the am and before bedtime. He didn't mind at all that the bottle was taken away, it was more of me wanting to keep it!!! I do miss my cuddle time!!! THe only cuddle time I get with Landon is when he's sick or when we read books. Sniff, sniff. =)

Landon loves his pacifier and blanket. We try to just give him his paci at night and at naptime, but when he's sick or crabby we tend to give it to him more. He now will say "paci" and "blankie" in a cute little voice that it's hard not to give it to him!!! We have to hide the paci during the day or he would have it in his mouth all day and we want him to be able to talk and not rely on the paci.

At Landon's 18 month appointment the doc asked me how many words Landon says and I seriously had to think about it b/c he has so many....I said 50, but I'm realizing that he has a lot more. He can now say two and three word sentences. He is copying everything that we say, it is too cute. Some of the word he says are, dog, cat, Diego, Dora, Happy Birthday, paci, blankie, sippy, eat, hungry, chips, snack, open, up, water, juice. He can even say all his cousins names when I point to their pictures on the refrigerator!!!

Landon has now entered into his terrible two's...EARLY!! He throws himself on the floor or arches his back when he doesn't get his way. He hates to come inside and cries every time we have to come in. He loves to brush his teeth and hates it when I turn off the water and say "all done brushing"...gets mad b/c he wants to keep brushing!! Hates to get his diaper changed. I have to arm wrestle him every diaper change. I had to wrestle him into his carseat several times b/c he didn't want to get buckled in.

Love, loves, loves to play with balls!!! Says "soccer ball" all the time and loves to dribble the ball. Loves to shoot baskets and loves it when Daddy lifts him up to dunk the ball. Just started liking to hit the baseball off the tee.

Has a love/hate relationship with his sister. Loves to follow Kennidee around. When Landon wakes up first in the morning he says "dee dee" and looks for her coming down the stairs. Loves to dance to Diego in the morning with his sister. Repeats a lot of the words that Kennidee says and wants to play with everything she plays with. Hates it when Kennidee hugs or tries to lift him up...wants to do it himself. Doesn't like it when she takes toys away from him, will hit her back or has tried to bite her a couple of times!!!

Loves animals of anykind...expecially dogs and horses. Isn't afraid to touch any animal and loves to be "kissed" by dogs. Loves to pet and feed the horses in our neighborhood. Giggles when the horse takes a carrot from him....too cute.

Well, I could go on and on about our little boy but I should really go to bed. What a joy you are in our lives, Landon Reid. Your adorable smile, your bright blue eyes, the way you laugh, your hugs and make us smile!!! We are so glad God blessed us with a precious little boy. We love you!!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Landon 15 Months Old!!

Okay...I admit I've been a total slacker when it comes to my blog right now. It's been way too long since I've posted anything, so thought I would post about my little man who is 15 months old already!!! That makes me so sad to say that...I can't believe how old he is. I'm still trying to make him my little baby...I admit I still give him a bottle at bedtime(shame on me, but i don't care). I love having that alone time w/him to cuddle, feed him a bottle and sing to him. I told my dr. about it at his 15 month apt. and she said she didn't care, just to wipe his mouth after he's done!!!! I know I need to stop his bottle soon...maybe after the first of the year!!! =)

Landon had his 15 month appointment this past Friday. He weighed in at 25lbs 6 oz(60%) and 34"(>95%). He still has a big head...can't recall how big, but the dr. said it's >95%!!! Funny!! He had to have 4 shots...poor little buddy...I hate that part but know it's neccessary!!

What a little ham mr. Landon is. He is such a funny baby and such a mommas boy. He is constantly saying mama and hates it when I leave the room. I went out the other night and Jason said he cried and whined for 25min and was looking for me in every room of our house....poor Jason!!! I do love it that he's a momma's boy, but sometimes it does get annoying when I have to do everything and Jason can't.

He says a lot of words, some of them are...mama, dad, deedee(for Kennidee), ball, car, cracker, bubbles, fish. Says several animal, neigh, meow, wuff, roar. He just cracks me up. We were sitting at the dinner table tonight and I've been asking how old he is and then holding up a finger and saying "one". Well, tonight I asked him "Landon how old are " and his reply was "two"!!! We were all cracking up, so he just kept saying it!!! What a little funny ham!!

Well....I could go on and on about our little boy but time to post a picture. Enjoy.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Kennidee's First Day of Preschool!!

It's hard to believe that I'm typing this, but Kennidee had her first of of Preschool last week Tuesday!!! Our little girl is growing up. We weren't sure we were going to send her this year, but Jason and I talked about it and thought it would be good for her to go. It's actually called 3-school. We are sending her to The Enchanted Forest Preschool which is throught Spectrum Health South Campus(on 68th and Division). My sister has been sending her kids there since Cayden was little(he is now 7)and she loves it. The teachers there are so nice and welcoming and Kennidee loves it. Next year we'll send her somewhere in the Hudsonville/Jenison area which is close to our new house!! I have been taking her to "daycare" at Enchanted Forest for about 7 months now, every Wednesday from 9-12, so it was an easy transition to take her to preschool on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9-11:30(no more Wednesday day care). She was so excited to go to school. She picked out a Dora backpack about a week before school started and was so excited to take it to school. She's even more excited b/c her cousin, Kamryn, is also going to the same school!!! We took a couple of pictures of Kennidee outside before she left for school and she was so excited. She looked so cute in her new outfit and new Dora backpack!!! I'll post pictures later.....Miss Kennidee is waking up. =)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Landon 12 Months Old!!

It's hard to believe that Landon is one years old already. We just had his 12 month check-up at the dr.'s today and he did great. He got three shots(one was the flu shot which I didn't know he was getting). He did pretty well, cried when he got the shots and then I picked him up and he cried a little while longer and then he was done and crawling around the dr.'s office...what a trooper. He was 23lbs 12oz for weight(60%) and 32 3/4" for height(>>95%). He is such a little character. He is crawling all around the house and really fast, pulling up on things, walking around furniture and standing up on his own. He'll walk a little when he holds my hands, but not too interested in walking yet b/c he'll just plop down and crawl fast to get places. Not sure if I'm ready for his to walk yet since I think I'll be chasing him around a lot more!! He says a couple of words....dada, mama, ball, cracker, baba, does "so big", claps his hands, give people five. He is such a little ham and is a pretty content baby unless his sister takes his toy or bops him on the head(I would be mad too!!!). He absolutely loves to eat and is always eating before we sit down for a meal and the last one to be done...he loves fruit, lasagna, peas, carrots, corn...just about anything. He still has 2 bottle a day of formula, although the doctor said we can start him on whole milk now....yeah no more expensive formula. She said we can gradually get rid of the bottle too....think that will be harder for me than Landon since that's my time to cuddle with him. =) All-in-all he's a happy, healthy baby.

Happy First Birthday Landon!!

Happy First Birthday baby boy. You turned one years old on the 14th of August...can't believe that you're one has time flown by. We celebrated your birthday on Sat. the 15th with family and a couple of close friends. It was a realy warm day, so we set up the pools so you and your friends could enjoy some fun in the water. You were so funny when it was time to open your presents, you didn't seem to care about them. You were more interested in Auntie Kelly and your cousins than all the presenst, luckily your big sister helped mommy open them. You got so many cute "boy" presents..we were so excited for you. You loved your cake too. You even decided to put your face in it which was pretty funny. What a great birthday, Landon. You are growing up before our very eyes. We love your bright blue eyes, your smile, your cute giggle, your screams when you want something or when your sister takes a toy away, your love of food(esp. fruit!!), the way you shake your head when mommy says "no". You are such a joy. Happy First Birthday Landon!!! We love you.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Happy Anniversary

Jason and I celebrated our 8th Anniversary yesterday!!!! Happy Anniversary babe!! Jason had to work during the day, but when he came home we decided to head to Millenium Park for dinner and swimming with the kids. The Dresslers came with us and we ran into the Haartmans too!!! The kids had so much fun swimming and playing in the mud. I think Landon had a whole meal of sand. He kept putting fistfulls of sand in his mouth...seriously so is that good?!?! Kennidee loved the water and is turing into quite the little swimmer. What a great Anniversary. Can't believe it's been 8 years.....I can't wait to spend many more with the love of my life!!!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Kennidee Funnies

Just wanted to share some of the funny things that Kennidee says. As most of you know Kennidee is quite the talker and is constantly making us laugh with what comes out of her mouth. Here are a couple of funnies....
*Asked Daddy, "do you suck your thumb?"
*"Daddy you had a gross toot"
*When mommy and Kennidee were making cupcakes you said to me, "you can do it yourself, mommy" when I asked her to help me put the cupcakes in the pan!"
*Asked Mommy, "what color is your poop" "I wanna look"
*Talking about Landon...Kennidee says, "did you get some pjs for that boy"
*Landon was crying in the excersaucer and Kennidee said to him, "it's okay Landon, we don't have to hold you all the time."
*We went to the butterfly exhibit at Meijer Gardens and on the way home Kennidee sweetly asked, "do butterflies have sippy's"
*We went to the mall and went into the restroom....mommy was squatting over the potty and Kennidee said, "mommy why are you standing up? Boys stand up and girls sit down!!"
*Said "thank you for supper, mommy, did you cook this? Thank you"
*Loves to ask "WHY" all the time!!!
*Said, "look at you big boy", when talking to Landon.

What a funny, sweet little girl!!! These funny moment I just treasure. She makes us laugh so much and we can't wait hear what she's going to say next!!